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If you are a courier driver then you will no doubt be spending a significant amount of time both behind the wheel of your delivery vehicle and calling on people at their home or business premises to drop of parcels. We thought you might find the following tips of benefit that may potentially make your role a little safer.
• When stationery and upon leaving the vehicle make sure that you lock your van even while dropping off a parcel to avoid the possibility of your vehicle being stolen or broken into. Do not leave the keys in the unattended vehicle.
• Make sure that your vehicle is in good working order to reduce the possibility of it breaking down whilst you are out delivering thus avoiding a great deal of inconvenience and a loss of income that you could do without.
• Be aware of someone acting suspiciously in the vicinity of where you are delivering a parcel.
• If you are obtaining payment for a parcel then try to take a card payment to reduce the amount of cash you are carrying on the vehicle.
• Before setting off for the day make sure that your mobile phone has been charged.
• In the winter months it gets dark earlier so try to park under a street light when delivering to homes or business premises.
• If you are concerned about a vehicle following you then do not hesitate to call the police for assistance but keep driving and lock your van doors.
• Stick to your planned drop off route and regularly check in with your employer.
• Stay calm if you are verbally abused and report the matter to your employer or the police.
• Use a torch in dark locations to help avoid hazards.
• Stay within the speed limits to avoid accidents.
The above list is not exhaustive but we hope that the things we have mentioned go some way to making your courier job that little bit safer.