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If you are a self-employed courier driver you will almost certainly be involved in making deliveries to various properties – both residential and business. These properties will no doubt be located both in built up areas and in the countryside as even some businesses can be situated on a trading estate several miles from a town centre.
You may have a preference for where you would ideally like to focus on delivering parcels and other items to but can you really afford to be selective in what is an extremely competitive industry? Apart from choosing whether to make very long distance deliveries to other parts of the UK or delivering more locally, perhaps not.
Many courier drivers possibly would prefer not to have to deliver to areas where they know that the traffic jams are going to be bad as it is wasting time and costing more in fuel but if you don’t take on such work then someone else will no doubt be prepared to do so.
There may also be delivery drivers who would rather not have to travel say 20 miles out into the countryside to deliver one parcel and then have to make the return journey of a similar distance to make the next delivery. Again, if you don’t do it someone else will.
Realistically, self-employed courier drivers need to take the “rough with the smooth” as far as where they deliver parcels to.
Whilst writing, if your existing courier insurance is shortly due to be renewed, why not get in touch with us with a view to obtaining a competitive quotation without any obligation to proceed at your earliest convenience. Also, if you are looking for cover for the first time as you are just setting up as a self-employed courier, get in contact with us. We look forward to hopefully being of assistance to you.