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If you are a courier then the vehicle that you are using to make deliveries is likely to be a van or in some cases a car. Whichever it is, you will have it insured. So, when you receive your renewal notice, check hoe much the premium is going to be for the next 12 months. Unless you are very fortunate, the cost will have no doubt increased – possibly by quite a sizeable amount.
On a quarterly basis, produces its Car Insurance Price Index and it doesn’t make for good reading if you happen to own a car. This is because the average cost of cover for a car has hit an all time high. Whilst the report refers to cars it is quite possible that average premiums for courier insurance have also risen significantly.
Just to give you an example – the average premium for car insurance in the last quarter of 2023 reached £995 per annum. A year ago, the average premium was £629 per annum so that was a rise of £366 per annum with this equating to an increase of 58%. By anyone’s standards that is a huge rise and one that people could do without.
It probably will not come as a surprise to read that the cost of living in London tends to be higher than most other parts of the UK and car insurance premiums are no exception. For instance, in Inner London the average premium for car insurance in Q4 of last year totaled £1,607 per annum – a rise of £599 per annum in the space of a year. The cheapest region in the UK to insure a car was in the South West with premiums averaging £636 per annum – a significant difference to Inner London.
It won’t come as a surprise for you to read that it is the younger driver who pays a lot more than most to insure their cars. After all, as they have less experience than a mature driver he or she is more likely to have a car accident. An 18 year old paid an average of £3,162 per annum in the last quarter of last year with this being £1,447 per annum more than a year ago.
So, if your courier insurance is shortly due to be renewed make sure that you contact us with a view to obtaining a competitive comparison quote. Who knows, you may be able to save some money.