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No motorist likes to get caught up in a road traffic accident especially if the incident is so serious that your courier vehicle ends up being written off. Nor do you want your vehicle to be stolen and it never turns up or, if it does, it is found to be beyond repair.
You would think that if one of the above things does happen to your courier van that your insurance company will always offer you a fair valuation for your vehicle. Well, apparently, that is not always the case in some instances according to a survey carried out.
The regulator, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), has discovered that some motor insurance companies did not offer some of their policyholders a fair amount when dealing with one of the aforementioned types of claims.
The FCA survey was undertaken with 12 motor insurance providers in the UK. These insurers account for around 70% of the motor insurance market so obviously cover a huge number of motorists. Some of its findings were rather concerning. After all, courier drivers and other motorists are being charged record premiums for insuring their vehicles these days so one would expect that they be treated fairly when it comes to how much their vehicles are valued at when assessing how much an insurance company is prepared to pay out should a vehicle be stolen and never be found or be written off.
The Financial Conduct Authority also established that in some cases motor insurance policyholders were initially offered a valuation that was lower than it really should have been in the knowledge that if a policyholders raised a complaint or challenged the insurer as to the amount they were being offered that they would then increase their offer. We are sure that you will agree, this is not a fair way to treat a claimant.
Let us hope that those motor insurance companies that have been doing the above mend their ways and treat claimants fairly in the future.