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If you are the owner of a courier service business then you may find it of interest to read that Royal Mail’s market share of the parcel delivery industry dropped back in 2022. In fact, its market share fell from 30% to 25%. We are sure that you will agree that is a significant reduction.
Presumably some of the other major players within the parcel delivery service sector will have captured some of this 5%. However, it probably also opened up the opportunity for many small courier service businesses to take on more parcel delivery opportunities going forward.
There are many millions of parcels delivered here in the UK every year so there would appear to be huge potential for smaller courier service businesses to capture some of the business lost by Royal Mail.
No doubt a number of online stores will have been looking to use other parcel delivery companies to deliver goods ordered online by their customers having previously used Royal Mail.
Don’t be put off trying to pick up more business just because you are a one-man band with only the one van to pick up and deliver parcels in. More than likely, you are well placed to be able to provide an extremely personal service to many larger companies looking for parcel delivery drivers. So, why not get on the phone and speak with a number of these companies that sell products online and see if you can persuade them to give your courier service a go on a trial basis.
Why not go on the Internet and do some research to identify potential new customers for your courier service business. In addition, how about placing an advertisement in your local newspaper offering your service. You may be pleasantly surprised at how much interest you may attract. If you provide a great service then you may get recommended to other companies.
If you are just setting up a courier service business then you will need courier insurance. So, why not get in touch with us at your earliest opportunity with a view to obtaining a no-obligation, competitive quotation.