There are numerous things that a motor insurance company takes into consideration when calculating how much to charge you to insure your vehicle. For instance, where you happen to live as some areas are more susceptible to vehicle theft, the make and model of the vehicle, how many miles you drive each year in the car, what the vehicle is used for, the age of the drivers and who is the main driver.

As a general rule, if you are a young, inexperienced motorist, you are probably going to be charged more to insure your motor vehicle than a more mature, experienced driver. This is because a young driver is more likely to be involved in a road traffic accident.

Aviva has recently carried out some research of over 2,000 young drivers aged between 17 to 25. It found that 17% of them admitted that they were on what is called a “fronted” motor insurance policy. This is typically where a young driver states that he or she will be an additional driver on the policy and his or her parent(s) will be the main driver(s) when in fact it is the young driver who will be the main driver.

The reason why fronting takes place is that usually it results in a lower premium being charged.

However, fronting is both fraudulent and illegal. If found out, there are severe repercussions for those involved. For example, you could end up in court and be faced with a fine running into many thousands of pounds. In the event of you making a claim on the motor insurance policy, the insurance company could refuse to pay out putting you in a very difficult financial position. Your car could be taken from you and crushed. It could prove difficult to obtain such cover in the future and if you can the cost could be significantly more than you were paying.

So, as you can see, it really is not worth taking the risk of “fronting” a motor insurance policy.

Whilst writing, may we remind you that if you are looking to insure your courier van please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. We have an extensive panel of specialist insurers at our disposal and we will do all that we can to get you a competitively priced quotation without any obligation.